Delta conveys employees’ voices through diverse channels to foster cohesion
Text by HR Division 2024/04
Good internal communication should not only entail clear communication of company information to employees, but also enable employees to share information quickly, thereby fostering employee cohesion and trust in the company aside from creating a good atmosphere within the company. At Delta, we actively expand a variety of communication channels aimed at disseminating company information through real-time two-way communication mechanisms, so that we can not only listen and respond to employees’ voices, but also gather each other’s expectations and feelings.

At Delta, we actively expand a variety of communication channels aimed at disseminating company information through real-time two-way communication mechanisms, so that we can not only listen and respond to employees’ voices, but also gather each other’s expectations and feelings. At Delta’s locations across the globe, employees are allowed to express their ideas and opinions freely through online and offline channels, such as labor-management meetings, welfare committees, forums, suggestion boxes, etc. In this issue’s “Employer Brand,” we introduce how Delta’s human resource (HR) team in Thailand, China, Taiwan, and India establishes a diverse range of communication platforms to create a healthy workplace and enhance employees’ recognition and identification with our company.

Leveraging digital technology to create a real-time two-way communication platform
At Delta, we encourage employees to provide feedback and suggestions based on an open communication model to build a good working relationship with employees. Delta’s HR team disseminates information and collects employee opinions through various means such as HR e-newsletters, internal systems, digital signage, and suggestion boxes. Specifically, feedback and suggestions received via email and suggestion boxes are answered by dedicated staff at Delta.

According to Delta Group’s policy, each employee opinion or complaint must be closed and responded to within three months at the latest. Furthermore, a confidentiality policy, along with anonymous channels, has also been put in place and implemented at Delta so that employees are able to express their opinions freely. Nearly 500 employee opinions were responded to by Delta in 2023. On top of the aforesaid online platforms, Delta Electronics Thailand (DET) also capitalizes on social media to connect with employees. For instance, employees at the Delta subsidiary can access the latest company information and policies anytime, anywhere through DET’s official LINE account.

On the other hand, Thai employees can also post their feedback and suggestions on DET’s official LINE account, which will then be communicated by DET’s HR team to the relevant departments for follow-up improvements. Meanwhile, with the ongoing optimization of Delta’s MOA system in China, Taiwan, and Thailand, Delta employees will be able to submit their opinions via mobile apps to facilitate feedback in real time. As far as AI applications are concerned, Delta’s HR team is also actively engaging in the development of an enterprise conversational AI application system - HR Robot - in collaboration with the Delta Research Center (DRC). With the creation of the HR Chatbot Q&A system, Semantic Comparison is embedded to retrieve HR and personnel rules and regulations, while ChatGPT generates responses based on the content of the rules and regulations. Chatbot can support natural language conversations in addition to displaying the reference source of the response content. When the system goes online in the future, employees can chat with the robot and obtain corresponding responses in real time, allowing them to enjoy a better employee experience.
The table presents a list of employee communication methods adopted in each region, including one-way and two-way communication channels.

Organizing physical communication meetings that enable employees to express their voices freely
Apart from leveraging digital tools and social media platforms to express opinions, physical communication meetings also serve as an integral part of employee communication at Delta. Our Wujiang Plant in China hosts employee representatives conventions on an annual basis, which are jointly organized by the local HR supervisor and labor union, with a view to reviewing company rules, regulations, and systems. This event allows employees to not only learn about our system and express their ideas, but also sign collective agreements and organize company activities from time to time. Furthermore, HR teams in Delta’s plants across China plan and conduct employee exchange meetings to help employees solve work and life-related issues while enabling them to express their opinions through these meetings.

At Delta’s headquarters, important policies are announced in quarterly labor-management meetings, whereas opinions are collected from welfare committee members prior to the commencement of each activity. In the meantime, DET organizes Khanom Talk twice a month, where grassroots employees can express their ideas, thereby narrowing the gap in understanding among plant supervisors, product managers, factory managers, and operators. Last year, Delta Electronics India (DEI) organized Rendezvous communication meetings at four different locations, bringing together more than 50 departments in total. Discussions on family day, health policy, and clarification of work rights and responsibilities were held during these meetings with the hope that communicating through physical meetings would encourage employees to express their views and foster cohesion among diverse ethnic groups.

In addition, DEI convenes monthly welfare meetings, with a ratio of 7 operators to 10 back-office staff members in attendance, to discuss issues such as work environment, compensation, rewards, and transportation; monthly communication meetings, which are attended by operators; as well as quarterly anti-sexual harassment and awareness meetings, which are attended by both operators and back-office staff on a 50:50 ratio.
The picture on the left shows an employee exchange meeting organized by Delta at our Wujiang Plant in China.

An award ceremony for outstanding welfare committee representatives hosted by Delta headquarters at the end of 2023.

DET organized Coffee Talk with its President, which is one of the events aimed at two-way communication between managers and employees.

DEI convenes welfare meetings each month at its Krishnagiri plant.

“Our commitment to inclusive communication implies that we value and listen to every voice, regardless of background or position,” DEI Human Resource Manager Chun-Hao Chen explained. “We hope to create a workplace environment that fosters thinking and comes up with solutions through transparent communication channels and a culture of listening. ''
DEI held Rendezvous communication meetings with DEI Human Resource Manager Kamal Sahdev (second from left) and representatives from one of the regions.

Delta Taiwan hosted a migrant workers forum aimed at educating migrant works about Delta’s system and helping to speed up their integration into local life.

Continuously creating diversity in communication to foster employee cohesion
Delta’s HR team is committed to not only fostering diverse and two-way communication methods, but also building consensus and resolving differences via a series of employee exchanges, as well as shaping a culture of solidarity through the roll-out of communication mechanisms and concepts across all regions worldwide. In 2022, nearly 400 meetings, including welfare meetings, labor-management meetings, and forums, were held at all our locations across the globe in hopes of connecting our Taiwan headquarters with all our locations around the world so as to realize the spirit of diversity in communication across all plants and ethnic groups. Breaking down barriers and bolstering employee cohesion are also our goals for continuous improvement in the future.