Create market-oriented operation excellence in marketing planning and strategic marketing
Interview with head of Delta Greentech strategic marketing management - Ms. Vivien Feng
Text by Delta Greentech 2020/12

Delta Greentech established its Strategic Marketing Office, including a Marketing Communication Department, Service Hotline Center and Sales Admin Department, on July 7, 2020. Mr. Yi-Zhong Tan, the general manager of Delta Greentech, noted that the strategic marketing office must understand the development of market orientation and business operations, integrate internal resources and maximize brand impact. Ms. Vivien Feng, the former marketing director of the enterprise marketing office, is responsible for leading and integrating the aforesaid three units. She said, “2020 has been full of challenges not only for me but for our entire team. With the brand-new market positioning set out by general manager Tan, I have to rapidly adjust and maximize the power of the team. We have quickly adapted our strategies and developed online communication tools to meet the challenges of the pandemic.”

Pandemic Accelerates Establishing Digital Platform

“Due to changing daily habits, digital media is drawing a lot of traffic. Establishing a digital marketing platform has been a key effort at Delta Greentech in recent years”. Vivien indicated that due to the pandemic, Delta Greentech has introduced the Zoom platform for online training of channel distributors. “Live stream” online training is conducted to promote IA products, and each webinar has achieved almost 2,000 views. The MCIS online channel conference is also gaining in popularity. Working with the Delta Research Institute, Delta’s “Cloud Classroom” was set up on its official website, with the number of courses topping more than 400. Delta’s industrial products channel on Alibaba is also opening, which will include live streaming, training courses and online shopping.

Confronted with the pandemic, marketing colleagues are on high alert, preparing for upcoming challenges

Enhancing system efficiency for a more considerate hotline service

The marketing team introduced an online customer service that records all calls and analyzes data to adjust labor deployment and relevant evaluation standards to further increase the call answer rate. The online platform can connect cell phones, so remote colleagues can also receive calls and deal with enquiries during the pandemic. With the progress achieved at the hotline end, the online platform further extended its services to offer FAE technical Q&A and has become a follow-up window for business opportunities. The platform records the customer response rates of Delta’s respective units. The recordings are used to optimize responses and raise overall customer satisfaction for better customer call experience.

Vivien said, “Users can give their feedback and requirements through the hotline service, official website and WeChat which can be connected with the hotline platform. We hope the hotline platform can connect with Delta’s CRM system as soon as possible to create an integrated system which combines customer service, marketing and sales, and supports repeat purchases.”

Enhanced efficiency through the system offers more considerate hotline services

Improving the cross-unit process so the system serves business needs

Delta Greentech is a comprehensive business platform. Products, solutions and services of different business units vary in terms of types of organizations, business models and targeted customers. The comprehensive planning office serves the purpose of integrating the requirements set out by respective business divisions and realizing systematic management by using a unified platform. 

“Now, the key task is to re-examine, integrate and simplify all the forms and processes used in the past. As of 2020, we will also re-sort all of the CRM development processes with the CRM team so supervisors can better manage processes”. Vivien further stressed, “By ensuring processes are maximally streamlined, a comprehensive plan supports the business development mission. As a planning division, we need a real understanding of the market and a clearer idea of the business operating model before designing an effective system that meets every business need.”

Group picture of colleagues in the comprehensive planning office

Localizing projects for smoother internal communication with Delta’s business divisions

“We are glad to work jointly with Corporate and BU/BGs on project localization. This helps deepen collaboration across different regions and divisions and the cooperation raises our business professionalism.” Vivien used the promotion of the 3D product management system as an example: 

“3D” represents three dimensions of product management: product lifecycle, product vitality and product portfolio. Among these, product lifecycle covers the whole process from product concept formation, design and R&D, manufacturing and product realization, market launch and promotion, to post-sales service and product elimination. The front-end market report has to be included in the early stage of product planning. Product specifications should be developed through systematic market analysis. Product lifecycle management can be carried out with the help of IT tools as well. “As a marketing division, we are deeply aware of the importance of the GTM (Go to Market) strategy. Thus, we cooperate with the divisions of HR, DGC-IA, IABG Marcom and SMD. When introducing 3D, we demonstrate the entire process to colleagues of DGC-IA and draw up a suitable GTM strategy. At the market launch and promotion stage, we help them carry out prior planning and post evaluation. By doing so, we effectively increase the business division’s product marketing capacity and achieve precision marketing for the new product launch. This allows us to deliver more accurate assessment results and continue to achieve true optimization. “ “After developing customer service and comprehensive planning, I had the opportunity to deal with businesses, directly communicate with customers, set up optimal strategies based on many years of accumulated experience, and create market-oriented operation excellence. Many thanks to members of my team for always keeping their enthusiasm for learning, their willingness to take on new tasks and challenges, and continuing to enhance their personal growth in an ever-changing marketing environment.” When talking about her marketing team, Vivien’s face was full of confidence. 

Vivien shared her story and work experience at Delta. “Delta is a family with opportunities everywhere. You are always gaining experience in marketing and business operations from interaction with other divisions and supervisors. At the same time, Delta has a culture of innovation. As long as you have a good idea, you can always count on support to try it. That is why I have had so many unforgettable first-time experiences that have helped me achieve personal breakthroughs year after year.”